
  • Pourquoi choisir une peau d'agneau Lanado ? - Lanado

    Why choose Lanado lambskin?

    A local , ethical and eco-responsible product, rooted in traditions while meeting current needs. Lambskin, a safe bet revisited In collabo...

    August 23, 2024
  • Pourquoi choisir une literie en laine ? - Lanado

    Why choose wool bedding?

    A natural fiber with multiple benefits Wool, sourced from our Belgian pastures, is much more than just a material. It embodies simplicity, dur...

    August 23, 2024
  • Un produit naturel d'exception - Lanado

    An exceptional natural product

    Wool, once considered rough and stiff, has been transformed by technological advances. Gone are the memories of heavy and “itchy” blankets at our ...

    August 23, 2024